Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This picture just made my life. I want one.


Snowboarding in Ontario is somewhat laughable (when you compare it to the likes of Whistler or Bamph). But to give yourself something to do this Friday - head to Blue Mountain for AdClub's 'ski day'.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


A hangover causes un-characteristic behavior. This Monday included watching the movie 'Love and Other Drugs'. I found myself watching intently, and in the end holding back tears. In the mood to give the finger the Jason Statham and his ab-driven, action, movies? Try your hand at this movie. It was almost too much for me to handle.


Panic at the disco is back, and my inner 18-year-old is all over it. Great song, check it out. If you go to their site you can pre-order their new cd - and in the process grab some useless swag. Cheers.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Two more weeks until this monster drops. Patrick Rothfuss created a trilogy so epic that his already complete second book (at the time) took an un-expected two more years just to edit. This book has my highest expectations and will consumer 72 hours of my life upon receiving it. Go pre-order the epicness now. 


So. I have tomorrow off. And it's a long weekend ahead. In anticipation of an awesome weekend ahead, i'm extremely bored with work.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Arnold Schwarzenegger, posting  that he is once again considering roles in film.OMG. Terminator... 6?... or 5?... please.


If your from Toronto and haven't heard of the Sporting Life 10k - then please, turn the TV off. This will be my second year doing it and its nothing short of an incredible experience. Don't let the thousands of runners fool you however. If you want to run this in under 55 mins, I would hop on that treadmill now.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The first good thing 'p-diddy' has done in countless years. Well in terms of music. I'm sure he owns some obscure water company, shoe brand, etc.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Valentines day is a 'not subtle' reminder that you're single; by the 84 nonsense, news networks that can't use the 6% percent of their brain that isn't thinking about smarties - to find something worth talking about/writing about.

A bit over dramatic. But media/news outlets are brutal.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


One of the few show's I followed right into the fourth season. Take my word that it is every bit as good as it was in Episode 1. Now you know what we are all doing Sunday night. EPIC.


Passion for profession has work out routines for just about anything. It gives you a motivating timed '1' '2' to keep you in a steady rhythm. And you feel great after. Without a doubt, one of my best youtube finds ever.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Rypple just blew my mind. This company is going to revolutionize the way that people work, deliver feedback, and move through their career. What an excellent tool. Groundbreaking.


Egypt's Mubarak resigns as leader.  

 This shouldn't have taken the measure that the people of Cairo had to go to. Yes, I remain up to date on current worldly affairs.


I feel better when I pay more for things at times. Perfect example. Non-Fat, Grande Latte > Tim Horton's Double Double. While they have steamrolled their 'boutique' coffee shop image the service and actual product (the coffee) rocks.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

TF 3

yes we get excited about cheesy movies like transformers. And yes we get disappointed when Megan Fox (if that's how you spell her first name) has been replaced. Looking forward to this. Watch the trailer.

Transformers 3


Thursday night = Saturday night.


Noting that Avril is now the hottest girl on the planet. It was always a pondering thought, but recently its been confirmed with the release of her new video. Which I was ... forced... to watch... a couple times.


A glass of red wine a day keeps it going your way.

A glass of red wine at noon helps you reach the moon.

Its a good thing.


Why can't the rest of Canada understand the potential success and savings associated with an online web series. Take a look at what TVA did. Just a great find, that caught my attention. Something I think that deserves a heart-felt pat on the back, for a job well done.


In the world of business, your job title can sometimes be an extension of your manhood.

I find myself wondering if I take a pay cut for a higher title, or take the higher salary with a slightly lower title. Pending it's in the field I would like to remain a part of.

I like the idea of doing what you want, or enjoy. But money is a means to helping you enjoy all of the other things you like. Tough decision.

For now - lets just go with the flow and be who we are.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Text messages ('texting') is driving me mad. After recently getting the number of a girl I find myself wondering a couple things.

- How long until I should text again?
- Is she annoyed or just busy if she doesn't text back? (or if she texts back immediately vs. in an hour vs. in a couple hours)
- Should I ask her out for drinks/dinner via text now or do the awkward random call after texting for a couple days?

In fact the list is longer. But its frustrating me typing this out. I've also just decided to text her back, regardless of the impact.


I've been thinking a lot about work. My job. Without spilling out excessive details - it might be time to switch companies. In my constant search of companies, their marketing efforts, their brands - one stands out among the clutter.

I would give up a couple of years off the end of my life for an opportunity to work for Diesel - pending they extend more of their offerings to Canada.  


Mainstream music gets transformed into something worth listening to. My musical pallet continues to expand as artists continue to surprise. This was today's repetitive track being played (all day) in my headphones at work.

Anya Marina - Whatever You Like


This site stole my idea. Or possibly thought of it first. Neither can be confirmed. However, I can confirm that it is aiding my small 'gambling problem'. ITS JUST TO MAKE THE GAMES MORE FUN TO WATCH.


Today, I created this blog. After numerous weeks of contemplation, I did it. Big win.