Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I am taking the time for once to follow this as much as I can (Canada's 2011 Election). Before I start posting articles I find amusing, if you haven't found the Google Search option that allows you to filter and view News articles - this will be eye-opening and your new ultimate resource. 

Google News: Canada Election


This new song is driving me mad. It seriously wakes me up in the morning. If you like 3Oh!3 - your gonna like these guys. Not to mention the video is unreal.


Monday, March 21, 2011


Congrats, to Patrick Rothfuss. With his second novel topping the NYT best seller list.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


This movie was one I wanted to see for a while. If you have that same tinkering, then def. make a point to see it. But if this is your cure to boredom - this wouldn't be my first choice.

I found that at times I would do something.. return to the movie.. and he was still in the hole. Also considering its based on the true story; knowing the ending doesn't help.

Trailer - 127 Hours


Airborne Toxic Event just released another epic track. Their last one 'sometime around midnight' was pretty much the soundtrack to my life for a while.

I have to say this one took a couple 'replays', but i've gradually caught the bug - and now can't stop listening to it.

Airborne Toxic Event - Changing


This song is one of the reasons I actually get up in the morning. In fact, listening to this song at work at 8:00 am, has became my guilty pleasure. I guess that's a better habit to have then dusting yourself on a public bus.

Arcade Fire - We Used to Wait

Friday, March 4, 2011


What an awesome radio station. Dean Blundell gets me through the mornings - and listening online keeps me occupied. Take a listen. http://www.edge.ca

Thursday, March 3, 2011


This program is a piece of advertising innovation. What an awesome way to get today's youth to interact with your brand. Have American Idol on the brain every waking moment - why not take your own shot at stardom.



The leafs are 4 points back from a playoff spot. With a win last night, my hope of seeing them in the playoff's is becoming too much too handle. GO LEAFS GO.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


If your fortunate enough to live in Toronto, or close enough to make it here. Make it to Grazie's at Young and Broadway. It's likely the best Italian food, i've had in... ever.


So. Charlie Sheen. I can't decide whether he is exposing the world to the brutal truth and talking with some sense. Or if this is the sad reality/end of someone who has taken entirely too many drugs. If you haven't watched this interview. Please enjoy.
